Each individual, climbing their own waterfall, shall become a dragon!


May 5th is designated as Children’s Day by law in Japan.

At the United Nations, November 20th, the day the Convention on the Rights of the Child was adopted, is celebrated as Universal Children’s Day. Many countries around the world also have their own designated Children’s Day.

In Japan, during this season of fresh greenery, Children’s Day is celebrated with koinobori, carp-shaped streamers, fluttering in the wind.

This tradition is inspired by a Chinese proverb that says, ‘A carp that swims upstream becomes a dragon.’ We hope that children around the world will face various challenges, each climbing their own river and waterfall.

To support such children, Forum2050 is currently recruiting individuals to participate in the organization’s activities.

There is no age limit for both upper and lower limits. For more information, please contact us through the contact form. Thank you very much.

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Forum2050 operates under the concept of ‘Children of the World: Each Child’s Vision for the Future Shapes Humanity’s Destiny,’ collaborating with businesses, schools, educational institutions, and others. Together with children, we create opportunities for them to contemplate peace and development in the future human society, fostering partnerships.