December 2024– date –
Event Report: “To Our Future Selves” – Discussing Life’s Turning Points and Hope with High School Students
On December 24, 2024, I had the opportunity to give a lecture to approximately 300 first and second-year students at Tokyo Metropolitan Chofu Kita High School.The event began with a presentation by Mr. Junichiro Matsumoto (Japan Forest T... -
Event Report: The Power of Science and Human Choices: Discussing with Future Leaders at Musashi Academy’s RED Program
On December 14, 2024, I had the opportunity to give a lecture on the theme "Science and Technology, War and Peace, and Co-creating the Future" at a special event of the Musashi Academy RED Program. The RED Program is designed for middle ... -
Event Report: Envisioning the Future through SDGs Sugoroku – Chiba City Miyazaki Elementary School 4th Graders Contemplate the World in 2050
On December 11, 2025, I engaged in a dialogue about SDGs and the future beyond with 123 fourth-grade students at Chiba City Miyazaki Elementary School.First, we looked at the many "SDGs Sugoroku" games created by small groups. The games,...