-Rwanda and Japan- Bridging 11,770 km and the Language Barrier: An Exchange Meeting Connecting Hearts Through Games and Creating New Bonds


On April 26, 2024, Akari Itaya held an online exchange meeting connecting high school students from Japan with those affiliated with the ‘KISEKI’ facility in Rwanda and ‘Prima Pinguino,’ which promotes local attractions.

In Rwanda, where Kinyarwanda is the official language and there is a time difference of around seven hours, the participants included four English-speaking women from Rwanda and about 20 Japanese high school students. Also participating were Yuka Tsukuba, a university member of Forum2050, and Maya Fujimoto, a high school member, making a total of about 25 participants. The exchange meeting lasted about 40 minutes, starting at 8 PM Japan time (early afternoon in Rwanda).

Akari Itaya began by showcasing several drawings created during her stay in Rwanda as part of her project, “A Workshop for Local Children and Adults to Draw Themed Pictures.” The Japanese students provided feedback on these drawings to the participants in Rwanda.

Next, a game session was held, where participants from Japan and Rwanda took turns guessing a word imagined by the questioner through a series of questions. This word game, conducted in English, involved each participant asking and answering questions, leading to shared moments of laughter and surprise. It demonstrated how people from distant places can experience common joys.

The game, though simple in its format of asking and answering questions, fostered a deeper interest in each other’s culture and daily life. It became more than just a word association game, providing valuable time for participants to naturally learn about each other’s culture and perspectives.

The meeting concluded with a musical performance by the Rwandan participants. Despite not understanding the lyrics, the warmth of the performance bridged the geographical distance, creating a new bond among the participants. We aim to continue building a bridge for open and barrier-free communication among people, enhancing the future world we all share on this planet, little by little.

“Murakoze”—thank you in Japanese. Akari Itaya

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Forum2050 operates under the concept of ‘Children of the World: Each Child’s Vision for the Future Shapes Humanity’s Destiny,’ collaborating with businesses, schools, educational institutions, and others. Together with children, we create opportunities for them to contemplate peace and development in the future human society, fostering partnerships.